17th January 2015
May we stay strong till Jannah....
Thursday, 19 May 2016
My birth story
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Doctor Sidek Charges
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Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Hating milk ..........
1st of all Happy 2016!
1st of all till date I tried to drink milk but I still cant telan. Dont ask me why, I feel like puking! Gross!!
I remember it nearly my 4th month of pregnancy, I have this bad gumache. It was so bad that I cried. I was thinking that if contraction will be really this bad. My friend told me that it was due to lack of calcium and vitamins and all those essential intake that I have not been properly taking in food. My morning sickness still come and goes. My appetite still does not hike up. And I remember that was during deepavali week that Im on MC for 1 whole week coz of gumache, flu & also vomitting.
That incident give me a slap. Yes thru out my 1st 4 months my health is haywire. Been quarantine myself most of the time in my room. Lack of Energy. I ask around my friend which supplement is good for pregnancy and yes I finally found a good one.
The product name is Shaklee. Good thing about this pdt they have early pregnancy set, 2nd & 3rd trimester set & confinement set too... (See below picture)
And infact when your supplement tak habis you can bring forward to set pantang. Alot of my friend did try and they recover really fast. I got more cheaper price from a dealer.
I ordered only Oste Matrix & Vita C since I still have 1 supplement from gynae. And my only concern is regarding calcium & health. My blood test was perfect, no diabeties currently and no any complication Alhamdullilah.
For Oste Matrix 1 bottle is for a mth consumption and u have to take 4 pills per day. For Vita C, 1 pill for day and its can last about 5 mths for 1 bottle. Alhamdullilah after eating these 2, I felt much more energetic in the sense that I can jalan2 & during my 5th check up (19weeksplus) I gain 2 kg after 4 months! Baby growing 350g & length nearly to 17cm. I just can't wait for this coming Wed checkup. Oh yesh baby still not showing gender & I hope baby will do it this coming Wed. InShaaAllah....
Anyway You can actually find this supplement at Watson or Gurdian but they cost quite a bomb. If anyone of u have questions or want it you may wish to drop me an email. I can give you her contact. She is nice & friendly.
On another note baby moving getting more active and kick every now and there. I simply love the feeling!
So yeah. That's all for now. & I have been wanting to blogged about Dr Sidek & his charges. Okay I promised next entry ok. InShaaAllah.
Well Nitey2!!
Friday, 11 December 2015
When we decided on our Gynae
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
New updates
Hey ladies...
I have been missing from updating my blog. And it s due to drumrollsss.....
Jeng Jeng Jeng
Im pregnant and my 1st trimester is ending for the last week!
Alhamdullilah unexpected pregnancy I might say.
And baby confirm plus chop it was made in batam during SG50 long weekend.
During that period is my fertility week and the day we are at batam is my ovulation day. After 6th month of trying 5 days after the 7th mth I received a very good news.
My 1st 2 weeks of conception is my sick period. 1st week i was diagnosed with fever. Once Im better suddenly diarrhea. Like seriously. And a few days b4 my menses all e sickness stop and I felt weird y all these menses symptoms are not here yet.
On 22nd Aug i dun feel right coz menses not here. My menses use to be late pn e 1st mth of marriage but there's menses symptoms but these I have no symptoms at all. And I read article tt during conception ppl may fall sick
I took out test kit(I got 4 kits at home from cheap one to watsons brand just in case) that I bought from mustafa a few mths ago and tried at night. Supposingly it should be e 1st pee of e morning. I can wait till mxt morning.
Waited for 2 mins. And yeah there is a faint positive line. I was freaking happy smiling to myslf didnt let my mum know 1st. But surprise my husband when he came back frm his AM shift.
He was so happy but told me to take another round of test in e morning b4 we break the news to our family.
It was sunday and I woke up for my subuh prayers and took out my Be safe $3 kit from Unity and use my 1st pee of the day to test. And yes it is positive and much more darker then the mustafa kit. And that's the day I broke e news to both families. And they were happy! Both 1st cucu!
Monday, I told 2 of my werk fren what is e next step. So they told me to book a gynae as soon as possible. I have one in mind and husband approved it way earlier during our after wedding convo. But still I surveying other options.
But after deep thots. Which 2 of my fren have went there. I decided to choose that gynae. Call the clinic and they told me to come on the following day. And yah gatal me still want to finish up my watson stick. So i tried of Mon and Tues also. And it is definitely confirmed im preggy coz the positive line is getting darker. Hehe.
Anyway Alhamdullilah for the opportunity. I am really happy instead of worrying abt the labour pain. Rezki after my hijrah. And yesh I thank Allah that good thing kept coming in after my hijrah.
Ouh anyway which gynae Im taking? I will update you in my upcoming post after my babymoon InShaaAllah. Well goodnite ladies and Salam Maal Hijrah.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Hi Alls,
2 mths not been updating ya.. So well.. I have alot to talk but no time to compose.. Well if u ladies want an update from me.. I more active on Instagram.. The only social media updates abt me life..Mybe pictures is much more faster then blogging.. Will be back for more blogging sooner or later.. So yeah..! Hope ladies2 life disana seme sihat2 belaka!
Instagram Id: nurshazywanie
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Supplement for married couple.
Well getting married is not the time that you should neglect your body systems. For the 1st 1mth I went thru a lot of hormone changes. Sleepy & tired. I could see my husband tired too.
I can't stand with my current self till I ask my frenz if they have something that can actually boost me & husband energy.
For woman;
My fren recommended this. BioPrima Madurapat Plus Collagen. So what does this jamu does? Ermm sorry no translation for this is English.
Meningkatkan kecergasan
~Ketetapan menstrurasi (kitaran haid)
~ Mengatasi masalah keputihan, lendir2 & gatal2 pada faraj
~ Meningkatkan tahap kesuburan
~ Menguatkan otot2 & peranakan
~ Mengempiskan perut
~ Mengatasi masalah senggugut
~ Menghilangkan bau badan & faraj
~ Mengatasi masalah penurunan keinginan seksual
~ Merapatkan kembali otot2 rahim selepas bersalin
~ Merawat luka dalaman (rahim & faraj)
~ Memejalkan payudara
~ Mencegah kanser payudara & pangkal rahim
~ Melancarkan peredaran darah dalam badan
~ Mencantikkan kulit & menceriakan wajah
~ Melambatkan menopause
~ Memperbaiki sistem imunisasi dalam badan
~ Melegakan sakit pinggang & belakang
~ Melawaskan pembuangan air kecil & besar
This collagen was really good, I don't feel that tired. The collagen make my skins supple & yeah my breast too have changes. The mengempiskan perut doesn't have any effects on me haha! How does it taste? The taste was really nice like syrup see the colour? Sedap.
And I am on my 2nd bottle now waiting for my 3rd bottle which my colleague going to buy at JB. If you want to get this at JB, you can get it at Pandan city or Angsana area. You may get it less then RM68. And for Singapore you can get it a Albarakah or certain jamu shops for $30+. I only take 2 tablespoon at night coz I have no time to take this jamu early in the morning as I always eat my breakfast at work.
All women, even if they’re not trying to get pregnant, should take folic acid.Folic acid helps prevent NTDs only if taken before pregnancy and during the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman may even know she’s pregnant.
- Mengekalkan khasiatnya sebagai makananan tambahan untuk lelaki
- Meningkatkan stamina dan metabolisma badan.
- Melancarkan peredaran darah dan menguatkan sistem imun badan.
- Meningkatkan tenaga batin dan nafsu syahwat.
- Menyembuhkan mati pucuk dan menstabilkan hormon lelaki.