Monday, 30 December 2013

Beli Cincin & Mas Kahwin

Hi BTB's,

Went to Geylang just know. Initially I didn't have the intention to survey wedding bands. 
My dad and mum was the one who want to but a wedding bands for their anniversary, I also cari chance survey also since the Mister ask me to. The Wedding bands at Ming Sheng and Meyson are within our budget nd I like it alot!

So here's the catch. Now I'm in a position whereby I do not know who to bring to buy the wedding band. I prefer my mum of course but on the other hand I shouldn't neglect my future MIL. 

My mum have already told me that if we decided to bring his mum, she is fine with it coz she is those "Tak kesah" type of person. Anyway while surveying just know I have already told her roughly what I want.

The only problem is am not sure abt my MIL. His aunt and grandma is staying at mister home right now. I'm just afraid that when we wanna buy wedding band, his mother will bring aunty and grandma along. Sometimes aunties can be the one whom will be the over reacting ones. I'm quite ok with her alone.

But another problem is, I've seen alot of MIL whereby they will insist on choosing their wedding bands and control her sons budget but when her daughter's turn they will ketuk2. 

Now I'm skeptical. I know my mum attitude much that she hancai bocai personality. Janji majlis jalan dgn betol. Or on the other hand should I bring MIL although I didnt noe her as yet. Hmmmmm...

Lets see how it goes.

On the other note, I have already book my photobooth with my caterer recommendations. Yeay! The brother spomsoring it. Its very cheap though she gave me special rate since I'm engaging my caterer. So you may actually ask her for the rates aites. Fazzy Photobooth

Till next! :)

Updates : Finally both parents allow us to buy the rings and jewellery all by ourself! Alhamdullilah! :) 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Beware of Berkat Sg

BTB's Alert!

Pls beware of Berkat Sg ok! They did it again which I thought it has already been resolved.

A wedding vendor, Fizita Events (which mister almost engaged him for his svs but Mister mother end up taking her own contacts) has post this on his FB.

Why oh why must you do this to the brides/grooms. People pay you up, but at the end of the day you con people.

Brides/Grooms sampai ikat ikat perut nak bayar duit ni itu. I can feel the pain. Haiz.

So be aware ok. Btw just to promote, you can take up Fizita Events coz they are fun people with good package price and most imptly they have gain Excellent Service Awards for 2013/2014. :)

Thats all for today!
Have a great day ahead :)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Wedding Bands

Hi All,

Its been quite awhile huh. Actually am googling about wedding bands. I'm really not sure when should we actually buy the wedding bands. 

But I guess now will be the perfect time to buy gold? Not really know about this coz Im not a jewelleries type of person. I prefer to have a gold rings with diamonds on it.

I have a few pictures of a white gold which I also like. But whatever it is i prefer to buy ring from Ming Seng Jewellery. I don't know why but my older family generations have bought jewelries from their shop so maybe I felt much more comfortable there. Hehehe. 

Christmas sales going on everywhere which is so tempting to buy. Told Mister that we will start buying our dulang starting from April onwards. 

Actually we have decided to have only 6 dulangs and that is;

  1. Wedding Band
  2. Wallet & Belts
  3. Perfumes
  4. Kasut
  5. Baju Kurung & Kain Samping
  6. Sejadah & Quran
  1. Wedding Bands
  2. Bag
  3. Shoes
  4. Makeup
  5. Kain
  6. Telekung & Quran
Below are the rings that I have google which attracts me. Lets the picture do the talking aites. Good bye for now! :)

Fifth place;

Fourth Place;

Third Place;

Second Place;

1st Place;